Friday, February 8, 2008

Her Crush Don't Mean a Thing - Obama Girl Doesn't Vote

She gained instant celebrity across the Internet from last summer's music video "I Got a Crush on Obama", but 26-year old Amber Lee Ettinger ended up being all show and very little substance. Amber left Obama hanging on Super Tuesday. Somehow, while majorly crushing on Obama, she didn't get around to voting for him. Nice example! Where's your O-face?

Amber initially tried to explain her actions by saying that she didn't vote because she wasn't registered in New York, but in New Jersey. When reminded that New Jersey also held a primary, Amber searched for a more valid excuse. She apparently felt that the 'The Dog Ate My Homework' wasn't fitting and so instead picked the tried and true 'I was sick' to justify her misstep.

Poor Amber was too sick in the city and so unable to make it over to New Jersey for the big day. Amber further added that she "was in Arizona for the Super Bowl — every time I get in the airplane I get sick". To her credit, Amber did feel some remorse, “I’m a little upset but I really couldn’t help it.”

Source: NY Times

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