Friday, January 25, 2008

Mr. Impressive - Ephren Taylor

My Minister, David Wilson, recently spoke at a Winter Revival at the Southside Church of Christ in Durham, North Carolina (, and there he met Mr. Impressive - Ephren Taylor.

Ephren has accomplished a lot in his 25 years on earth. He started his first business at age 12. Built a multi-million dollar company by age 17 and is now a respected CEO focused on corporate social responsibility and of course making the mula. Ephren is the author of the bestseller, "Creating Success from the Inside Out", and has appeared on ABC's 20/20 and the Montel Williams shows.

For more on Ephren's meteoric rise, see the following:

Ephren, keep up the great work. You are an inspiration. God is great.


Unknown said...

Guess who's coming to Kings on Sunday the 2nd of February? Guess? I'll give you a hint.

He'll have a box of bestsellers.

Keri said...

Awesome! I want to buy a book.

Unknown said...

$137.43 temple tax and ministerial administration fees included.