Sunday, October 14, 2007

Ricky Martin Loves His Bon Bon

I was on my way back home from evening service at church, when I got a call from Maya. She had an extra ticket to the Ricky Martin concert in Madison Square Gardens and wanted to know if I was interested. When would I need to leave? In 5 minutes? Absolutely! Count me in.

We got to the concert about 1hr and 15 mins. late. We had seats in the Club Suite (thanks to our company) and missed about 10 mins. of Ricky's performance. There was no opening act and so for the first hour of the concert, the audience just waited patiently for Ricky to show up.

Overall, I give the show a grade of C-, sharply dropping from my original A/A- during the last 10-15 mins. of the performance.

Ricky started out very strong. He built us up with hits like Livin La Vida Loca, and She's All I Ever Had, combined with well choreographed dance moves and slick visual effects. At times the backing band overpowered Ricky, and you could hardly hear him singing. In addition, he performed a lot of remixes, where his actual singing time was less than in the original versions. However, Ricky's charisma carried the day and the audience lapped it up.

Something stood out for me as I watched Ricky tonight. This man clearly loves his Bon Bon. Aside from strutting his stuff in tight pants and extra tight little shirts - only Rick can rock the '80s look in 2007 - there was a segment of the program where we got to view, in detail, Ricky's anatomy. A cage-like structure descended onto the stage and the audience was shown video clips of Ricky naked (no full frontal - phew!), with close ups of his tattoos and select body parts. I did not get the significance of this interlude - it seemed to be simply a way for Ricky to pay homage to Ricky.

As the performance continued, the screams grew louder, and people were swaying to the beat and shaking their own bon-bons. Then, Ricky said goodbye. We, the obedient audience, of course play our role - we scream, we clap...Ricky re-emerges for the encore. He sings one or two more songs and says goodbye again. He still hasn't sung Shake Your Bon-Bon, so I am guessing he wants another encore.

As Ricky is lowered into the stage, I realize that the show is actually finished. This is absolutely ridiculous. Are we expected to come to a Ricky Martin concert and not hear him perform Shake Your Bon-Bon? No matter how much Ricky shimmied, no matter how much he strutted, no matter how many super-tight tanks he wore, that does not make up for leaving us without performing Bon-Bon. I want my money back, Ricky (technically, my company's money). How disappointing! I still cannot believe you left us that way.

I will still give you a C- , but I am being generous.


Anonymous said...

Hi Keri,
Good to see you at the show last night. I thought you had a good point but I did like the fact that he took time to give thanks and he did seem grateful for what he has and why he has it…who knows the rules at MSG or what his producers, etc. (the list goes on) to stay on stage, etc.

Keri said...

Yes, giving thanks was a nice touch.

Anonymous said...

Well...C- is pretty harsh. Then again my whole interpretation of this event was that we loved basking in the prettiness of Ricky Martin on stage that the overwhelming disappointment of seeing him leave could not be compensated by 1h30 of amazing performance.

Yes I agree - absolutely not point in those video body shots of Ricky: but let's be honest -EVERYONE LOVED IT!


Anonymous said...

Well...C- is pretty harsh. Then again my whole interpretation of this event was that we loved basking in the prettiness of Ricky Martin on stage that the overwhelming disappointment of seeing him leave could not be compensated by 1h30 of amazing performance.

Yes I agree - absolutely not point in those video body shots of Ricky: but let's be honest -EVERYONE LOVED IT!


Keri said...

Monique, he's definitely hot. He was really good too, but you need to have a powerful start AND finish.I agree with you that we all basked in his beauty.

LOL - I can honestly say that I didn't LOVE the close ups..."liked", "was OK with", are descriptions that I am more comfortable with :)

Tamii said...

Maybe he sang Bon Bon in the first 10 minutes you missed...

Unknown said...

I think I'm done going to concerts that make me feel like there is a generation gap between me and people 10 years younger. The teenie boppers have become far too pavlovianized to celebrity cues of screaming at uninteresting tritedom (i.e., 20 mins of Ricky body parts at 300x magnification.) And I'm copyrighting both "pavlovianized" and "tritedom." Take that, Stephen Colbert.


Unknown said...

I think I'm done going to concerts that make me feel like there is a generation gap between me and people 10 years younger. The teenie boppers have become far too pavlovianized to celebrity cues of screaming at uninteresting tritedom (i.e., 20 mins of Ricky body parts at 300x magnification.) And I'm copyrighting both "pavlovianized" and "tritedom." Take that, Stephen Colbert.
