Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Marc Anthony and J.Lo Concert

My cousin Karyn and I went to the Marc Anthony and J. Lo concert on Monday night in Madison Square Gardens. Thanks to my company (again), we were able to enjoy the Club Suite experience. Learning from my last adventure (see, we decided not to be on time and showed up about 1/2 hr late. We missed the comedian - which I heard may have been a blessing in disguise.

Marc started the show. He had the crowd screaming pretty much from start to finish. He has fantastic vocal ability and is just a pleasure to watch. He's a hottie tottie Tom Thumb (sorry!). Marc belted out his tunes, the audience sang along when prompted (and also when not), and Marc wowed us with some of his sexy Latin moves. At one point, someone from the audience threw a piece of cloth on stage. Nothing risque, it was the Puerto Rican flag. Marc opened the flag covered his face and body with it, knelt on the ground and continued to sing his heart out. I thought that was such a nice touch...really powerful connection with the who knows where that flag had been.

I was highly impressed with Marc's performance, and may likely buy a couple of his CDs, but let's face it, I was there to see J.Lo.

Jennifer came on with a bang and flash of lights. It was so obvious that she was pregnant - but hey, let's play the game and wait for the "official announcement". J.Lo started out by saying how many faces she recognized in the audience. Whaaa? Seriously, J.Lo - you are a native New Yorker, but are we to believe that you remember us little folk from back in the day?? I found out later that her mom, sister and some friends were up front and center. Logic returns.

Aside from wearing more clothing, and being more restrained in her dance movements, J.Lo delivered her usual great performance. She started with some of her classics, and surprised the audience with in-person duets with Fat Joe and LL Cool J. Apparently Jah Rule is busy with something, and so only his recorded voice participated that night. LL Cool J was the true star - he got more applause and screams than J.Lo. Watch out, LL!

My biggest and most pleasant surprise of the night was that J.Lo sang live and sang well! Her voice has improved!! Great job, J.Lo. You were able to carry the tunes in a powerful voice. You will never be Beyonce, Aretha or Whitney, but you definitely outshone Britney and are far, far improved from your earlier days.

The night ended with J.Lo and Marc dueting. It was moving to see their affection and tenderness for each other. Marc held J.Lo around her waist as they sang with great emotion to each other. Sold! Where can I buy the album?

Congrats, J. Lo and Marc! May you have many happy years together and have a wonderful time with your new bundle of joy!


Unknown said...

I am happy for her. Hope that marriage works.

Unknown said...

Yes me too. She definitely seems more settled. Glad they performed well. Good for them.

Unknown said...

yay for MTV...I mean kudos to J-Lo and Marc and all the hollywood peeps but yay for Keri's life!!!

Unknown said...

Marc Anthony is really a Puerto Rican ambassador - big up to him for staying true to his roots!!

Thanks to Keri for the invitation - the club suites were hot!!!