Monday, October 29, 2007


Oh mercy me!

I am watching the Big Idea with Donny Deutsch on CNBC and - oh boy - Martha Stewart is - oh boy - planning to launch a Wikipedia for the homemaker called Marthapedia. Okkk. I am sure it will be successful. However, my first reaction - (as you read) was - Oh mercy me - then gagging, then I just felt very tired, then finally - supportive.

Best of luck, Martha. Oh boy.


Unknown said...

Give her credit. She is innovative, creative and I do enjoy her stuff. What next will she think of?

Keri said...

She is an impressive business woman. Great track record. I honestly can't explain my initial gag reflex when I first heard the announcement...but hey, it happened.

Martha, continue to wow the world of business. We can all learn a lot from you. Kudos!!