Sunday, March 16, 2008

7 Month-Old Baby Girl Dies Accidentally - Forgotten in Back Seat of Dad's Car

Sad news.

A father in Houston,Texas, accidentally left his baby daughter in the back seat of his car, where she died from the heat.

Normally, the girl and her brother would be dropped off at day care together in the morning, but on Friday, the mother carried the brother to day care separately because of swim practice. This change in routine proved deadly. The father, forgetting to drop his daughter at day care, left her in his parked car at Rice University, where he works. He realized his error when he arrived at day care in the evening to pick up his children and found his dead daughter in the back seat of his car.


Tamii said...

Could happen to anyone...

Keri said...

Yes, very true.

Angel Brown said...

the back seat windows must be tinted for that to be excused.