Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Going for the "Duo" - Part 1

Since we last spoke (see Going for the "Duo" - Part 1/2), I have made good progress re: achieving my goal of completing a duathlon in 2007. Here's the latest update:

Target Date: Changed from Summer 2007 to Fall 2007 (It's too hot in the summer! Also, it's already summer and I need more time to train!). I still need to pick the actual event date

Equipment: Bought the bike, a Specialized Dolce Vita bike for women, which I love. This bicycle is good for triathlon events and can also be used as a road bike. I also purchased a matching helmet, tools to adjust the bike, a spare inner tube, a heart rate monitor and watch

Training: I signed up with Cadence, a center for cycling and multi-sport training, for a 3-month coaching package and was assigned a great coach, Dianna. We have had 3 challenging one-on-ones so far and I will be getting daily training routines this week

I feel great about my accomplishments to date. Stay tuned for Part 2!


Unknown said...

i can see that you enjoy sports.It is good that you have activities that allows you to enjoy life. After all, God created us to enjoy life. I hope your raining proves productive, and your goals come to fruition.

Tamii said...

You go girl! That's pretty amazing and fun. Bwoy, this sure brings up some great childhood memories. Watching you and Tessa on your bicycles always left me wanting for more...or at least one try.

Keri said...

LOL - Tamii! You will not let us live this one down. I don't recall why you didn't move from tri-cyle to bi-cycle...we had a passion for bikes, what happened? Why did it die down? I remember the pics of us on the bikes, and you on the tri...I can't remember why it happened...sorry!! But, it's never too late! You will love it!

Unknown said...

I remember the bicycles needing repairs for a very long period... so that the by the time Tamii was ready to move to the next level, the bikes were still not repaired. However those days were great fun for everybody. The tri-cycle had an advantage in that Mom or Dad could hop on to the back for a ride. Remember Tamii !!!!