Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Interview with a Meat Eater

Donald Walters - Meat Eater
Kingston, Jamaica

Background & Context
Hello, my name is Keri Smith and I am a pescatarian. That is, a vegetarian who eats seafood. When I share that I am a pescatarian with certain segments of the population - after the "Presbyterian" jokes have run their course, I get shocked looks, shouts of "yuck", and/or pitying comments about how could someone ever survive on that diet. I count myself lucky though, the reaction is even worse for my vegetarian...and dare I say, vegan, brethren. The segment of the population I am referring to? Hard-core meat eaters; they think that ketchup is a vegetable and that a truly satisfying meal must include pork, beef, goat, or chicken - fish does not count.

I am fascinated by these extremely loyal fans of meat and so decided to find out more about their passion for eating animals. The following is an excerpt from my discussion with my friend - Donald Walters - a proud meat eater, hailing from Jamaica.

Keri: Donald, why do you hate vegetarians?

Donald: Well, I don't hate vegetarians, but I don't like vegetables by themselves. Lettuce, tomato, pickles in a burger...sure

Keri: What did they ever do to you, these vegetables that you hate?

Donald: Guns by themselves cannot do anything to you but it is the person(s) behind them. My mother and father forced me to eat these things. Plus, they taste nasty when eaten alone.

Keri: Guns? Wow! You really have strong feelings about vegetables! Ok, so what is so appealing about meat? Do you have an affinity for blood?

Donald: Well, it just tastes better than "so so" vegetables and I wouldn't say I have an affinity for blood.

Keri: You are right, sorry about that. I also used to eat meat, i.e. until 2002, so no offence - just trying to sensationalize the interview...that appears to be what sells magazines these days :). So, you seem to consider some vegetables to be acceptable. How have these passed the test?

Donald: Yeah, some passed the test if they are boiled or steamed (carrots, cabbage, other leafy things) or taste good in a sandwich.

Keri: Sounds logical. So back to the beginning...you said your parents forced you to eat vegetables...as a relatively new parent yourself, what tactics will you employ with your son, Seth?

Donald: Well, given the statistics that vegetables have more benefits than meat, unfortunately I have to torture him as well, but with a mixture, not full-blown vegetables alone. Plus, I torture myself to eat them when he is around (Hypocritical to the cause...I know...)

Keri: Umm, sounds rough (?!!). Are you passionate about all types of meat?

Donald: No, just a few...oxtail, pork, and I like turkey neck too.

Keri: Ok. Would you be open to lunch or dinner at a vegetarian restaurant?

Donald: Ahhh...not sure...I think so just to tttry and see what is there...if there is anything interesting.

Keri: Wow! I know how much that took out of you. Any final thoughts?

Donald: I never knock vegetarians, in fact vegetables are good for you, it is just that I don't like them...yuk for now.


Unknown said...

Now I wonder.....will he or will he not accept our invitation to dinner !!!!!

Sando said...

Though I don't like vegetables I am will to try new things. Nevertheless, I will never pass an invitation from Sister Smith.

Unknown said...

Better not Sando....or else !!!!

Tamii said...

Word on the street - his kid is repulsed by meat.

Ok, ok, ok -- it's more of just my word on the blog. And maybe repulsed is a strong word. So maybe he was just kind of full and pushed away his spoon.

Ok, ok, ok -- sources are not exactly sure what was on the spoon in question.

Keri said...

I think wifey also doesn't like the meat. I am using the same sources as Tamii...

Angel Brown said...

Strong meat are for those Full of Age (Heb 5:14).

I'm available anytime for an interview!