Thursday, July 5, 2007

Off to Obedience Camp

We welcomed two additions to the family in the last year - Fidel Castro Smith (aka Fiddy) and Dela Smith (homage to Nelson Mandela). We love these energetic, rambunctious dogs. In fact, my sister - Tamii- sent out a "birth" announcement to celebrate Fiddy's arrival to the household. Tamii, we are still waiting for Dela's announcement - we can't show favouritism!

As good parents, we Smiths know when discipline is required. Fiddy wildly runs out into the street, wanders up and down the neighbours lawns, chases cars - all while ignoring repeated shouts of "Fiddy, get inside". Dela chews any newspaper that enters the house, despite scolding. Both dogs selectively choose when to heed "Come", "Down", "Sit", even when coaxed with Excelsior water crackers. An undisciplined child is a danger unto itself. These kids needed hardcore training.

Last week when I was home, I joined the Smith troops on the journey to Doggie Obedience Camp. We trekked to Spanish town to the home of well-known animal trainers. It was a fun ride there, especially with Fiddy and Dela slobbering all over the back of the car, barking at strangers whenever we stopped at traffic lights, pushing their heads over the top of the seats, so that when you turned around you were greeted by long, pink tongues and sharp teeth. We actually contemplated turning back and bathing them before we dropped them off at school - in close quarters, that doggie odour is not very pleasant. Sorry, Fiddy and Dela!

Doggie Obedience camp is run by a husband and wife team at their home. The house is fairly large and is surrounded by several coconut trees and expanses of wild grass. Doggie paradise. We were initially greeted by about 5 dogs when we exited the car. The dogs were a mix of Obedience camp students and family members. We got to understand that the pet family included 9 pit bulls (6 of which are in the really cute puppy phase), roughly 4 other dogs, 13 cats, and 1 dove. All animals seem to have free reign of the house (except for the caged white dove). I don't like dogs in the house, so to see them casually walking around someone's bedroom and living room...well, that must be what true love is about!

After getting over our initial surprise at seeing that many animals at one time, in one house, we became impressed at how the animals obeyed their owner and that they all seemed to get along. We stood one step away from two pit bulls and were not afraid. Friendly pit bulls? We have evidence to show that they do exist. We did get one dose of reality through a brief Tweety and Sylvester moment, when 1 out of 13 cats decided it was time to attack the dove - well, thanks to the cage, the Sylvester wannabe was foiled again! Tweety always wins...

We got an opportunity to learn more about our dogs that day. Dela, the younger of our pair, was very confident. She jumped out of the car and started to play with the new dogs, almost immediately. Fiddy, was nervous and on two occasions jumped back into our car, ready to return home. The trainer mentioned that part of the course will help Fiddy and Dela to have more confidence, so that they are not afraid of new surroundings or uncomfortable when they see new animals, people, objects for the first time. That sounded great, but we really just want them to come when we call them, not eat our newspapers and understand what "stay", "down" and "sit" mean.

We said our goodbyes, some more tear-jerking than others. Tessa kept sighing about leaving her children - it was their first time away from home, and she was torn. Apparently, you are not supposed to have long farewells when leaving dogs at school, some bigwig trainer in the US said this, I don't remember why, but it seemed logical at the time.

My family went back to visit this week and apparently Dela and Fiddy were beyond excited to see them. Fiddy tried to open the grill gate with his paw. I haven't heard much about any improvements in obedience, but at least absence is making their hearts grow fonder.

Fiddy and Dela, please obey your trainers and be great students. You have the family brand to maintain. Plus, we are paying good money for your education!


Unknown said...

My children! My children! When will they return to me?

Angel Brown said...

I need them to hurry and come out & do some Foreign eXchange trading and stockbroking for me.
Just hope they don't become undercover medical bombers *-)

Unknown said...

Here I was fearing that by sending Fiddy and Dela to obedience school they might not remember us. Their excitement to see us on visiting them was so heartwarming and bam! bam! my love for them went up another notch. I agree....a dog can be a man's best friend !!