Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Going for the "Duo" - Part 1/2

This is one of my better years in terms of following through on New Year's Resolutions. Started the blog - have been fairly regular with posts. Executed on move to NY. Now, I am pushing forward on another goal: complete a duathlon in 2007.

My cousin Karyn and I are joining forces to achieve this goal. We started at the triathlon level - but she loves running, I love biking and swimming, and so we compromised on a duathlon. We have a target date of Summer 2007, but need to finalize the exact timing and location(s). I am contemplating whether to do a bike/swim or bike/run. Karyn will do the bike/run.

I need to buy a bike! Who has pointers? I love cycling and buying a bike will be a great way for me to move this from ad hoc activity to practice.

I also need to start training! My commitment is to start on 4/23. Do you hear that, Karyn? I know you have been itching to start and you probably have already started :)

Wish us luck. This will be a pretty cool life milestone for me.


Unknown said...

I've only started running, so I'm hoping that everything they say about remembering how to ride a bike is true... It will be fun all the same!!!

Unknown said...

In terms of my training, I've only started running. About the bike, I'm hoping what they say about remembering to ride a bike is true... All the same, it will be a fun experience!!!