Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Some Gems From Tony Robbins' "Unleash the Power Within" Event

*Whatever you focus on, you will feel

*When you say something repeatedly, you hypnotize yourself into believing that it is true and the brain creates a blindspot, where you can't see what is actually there

*People will violate their values to meet their needs, because needs are more important

*Listen and learn as if you were going to teach what you learned to someone else

*TV is the electronic income reducer

*The best study of life is what it is not what it should be. You can get pissed off or learn

*To say you don't have a special purpose is to slap the face of your Creator

*Most people are unhappy because they are dabblers; going deep makes us feel alive

*We are the accumulation of our communication

*God's delays are not God's denials

*Fear is your imagination and so is faith;except fear is undirected, while faith is directed

*Success leaves clues - model someone outstanding

*Pain is a signal to change the strategy

*Normal is the lowest common denominator in a culture

*What got you where you are, won't get you to the next level (the highest level)

*The best thing you can do for poor people is not be one of them

*All progress comes from breaking patterns

*Change is never a matter of ability, it is always a matter of motivation

*Who you spend time with is who you become

*People's lives are a direct reflection of the expectations of their peer group

*Proximity is power

*Find a team to challenge you, not just support you

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These gems are so inspiring. What an event !!!! Thanks Keri for giving us that opportunity to be there and thanks to Mr. Robbins for such an outstanding presentation. Our lives can never be the same again. YESSS !!!!!