Saturday, September 22, 2007

I Saw Her Smile

I entered the Louvre, searching for her. I warmed up on fantastic sculptures and historical paintings from Italy. The anticipation was building. Where was she?

Signed arrows told me she was close. I entered her sanctuary. There. She. Was.


Wonderful painting, but the hype was bigger than she was. Then, I remembered her history, the relevance, the fact that she was probably the most famous painting in the world. I allowed myself to experience a moment of awe.

I got up as close as I could and just stared at her. I Saw Her Smile.


Angel Brown said...

I would probably be charged for defacing if i got pretty close to it but then again i don't think they put the real thing on exhibition. Would it be worth it *-)

Unknown said...

Target Practice? Lady Macbeth? or perhaps Mona Lisa? I saw your smile.

Keri said...

Angel, it's the real thing!