Sunday, September 30, 2007

Crashing into LA

I arrived in LA tonight for a wedding on Sunday evening. The flight to LA was largely uneventful; we were shown the latest Harry Potter movie, provided pretty decent food (thanks, Continental) and were able to catnap in peace. Although it took us about 15 mins. to deboard the plane - not sure why they couldn't open the door - it was an overall B+ flight experience.

My hotel is in downtown LA and since I didn't rent a car, I waited patiently for a taxi to arrive. 15 mins. later I was on my way to the hotel. I gave the driver my address and got on the phone. The cabbie said something to me which I couldn't hear, so I asked my friend to hold. Apparently, I smell really good, because Mr. Cabbie (Mr. C) wanted to know what perfume I was wearing. I wasn't - my natural scent rocks, I guess. With my friend still on hold, I proceed to explain to Mr. C that I wasn't wearing perfume, and no I wasn't sure what/why I smelled so good. I think Mr. C realized that hitting on me was not really going to go anywhere and I was thankfully released to rejoin my phonecall.

About 10 mins. later, I was surprised to see the meter was already at $20 - that's LA for you. Another 10 mins. later, and my head was smashing into the divider, I heard a loud crunching noise and realized that Mr. C had just rear-ended a truck on the highway. I was in shock for a minute - was I really part of a taxi cab accident so soon into my trip??

I then realized that my lip got cut and was pretty swollen. By this time Mr. C was outside talking/cussing, taking pictures of the damage and exchanging information with the other driver. Clearly Mr. C was at fault.

Sometime later, Mr. C happens to remember he has a passenger. I am injured I tell him, which results in him opening up the back door of the cab and shining a flashlight in my face. He is apologetic. I just want to get to the hotel, ice my lip and get some aspirin for a headache that is increasing in strength.

Mr. C is nervous. He offers me an ambulance. He offers me money ($50). He goes back to conclude his discussion with the other driver. A little more cussing/talking and taking pictures ensues outside, while I decide whether to indulge in a fit or continue to be calm and collected. I go with calm and collected, while I pray that I do not look like a freak of nature for the wedding.

Mr. C gets back in the car. He leaves a message for someone telling them that he had an accident, he wants to pay vs. go with insurance and asks the person to call him back ASAP. I patiently remind Mr. C that I am INJURED (!!) and would like to GO (!!). Whoever he called, gets back to him and Mr. C begins to explain the situation and assure the person on the phone that he is OK. Lucky him, I am still sucking on a busted lip, getting more of a headache, all while sitting on the side of the highway in LA. I am ecstatic that Mr. C is OK.

Finally, he gets back on the highway and after a wrong turn, pulls up in front of my hotel. The fare is ~$45, he never turned the meter off. Since obviously I won't be paying any money, Mr. C wants to give me $5 to add up to the $50 he offered earlier. I said no thanks and instead got all of his contact details and cab #. He is extremely grateful. He asks for my phone # so that he can check up on me to see if I am OK. I give it to him - this maybe a result of my hit to the head, but it seems logical at the time.

I walk into the hotel, still deciding whether to indulge in a fit, I keep going with calm and collected. I get aspirin, ice and some sympathy from the late night staff. I look in the lip is pretty swollen, but I don't look like a freakazoid. I get my keys and head to my room.

I can't get into my room. The keys don't work. I keep going with calm and collected, all the way back down the 11 floors, back to the front desk, listening through the clerk explain how - ha ha - she wrote the wrong room number down - ha ha -, back up the 11 floors, a couple doors down to the right room. I am still calm and collected as I enter and close the door.

Now I am sitting here with a towel of ice on my lip, my headache receding thanks to aspirin and I am refusing to allow crazy Mr. C or any of today's events ruin my LA trip.

I will have a great morning at church. I will enjoy the evening wedding.

Also, puffy lips are always in, who cares if the pout is not evenly spread? This is wouldn't be the first time.

Special thanks to God for sparing my life. I hope a swollen lip is the worst of my injuries.


Unknown said...

Thanks be to God in all things. I commend you for showing such patience in dealing with the taxi driver and the hotel clerk. We wait to hear how this trip will end. Keep well and have some fun at the wedding.

Unknown said...

Way to go champ. Stiff upper lip and all that jazz. With your frequency of travel, this is a sign of blessing. It may be cliche, but it definetly couldve been worse. Thank God for protecting you and giving you a conquerors spirit.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you're all in one piece, and I will persist in calling you Angelina "Lips" Jolie" until I see you next... Was extremely worried when I heard about it - at least you'll have something to talk about at the wedding!!

Keri said...

Hey, Mum, David, KK,

Thanks so much. My doctor's appointment is tomorrow. I am praying all is well. I am thankful that I appear to be functioning well. I had a 2-min down moment today when the LA doc said they couldn't take me, but hey, I have bounced back.

Appreciate the support!

Unknown said...


Keri said...

Thanks, Tessa!

(For any non-Jamaicans reading this, please note that "hush" is a term of empathy/sympathy. It is not used in the way that Americans use it, i.e. to say be quiet)

Keri said...

Thank God, I got the all clear from the doctor. God is good.

Unknown said...

Glad ur injuries weren't worse. i commend you for the patience u exercised! I don't think i could have exercised that much restrain. having a sense of humor always helps lighten a situation...I love your rational about the swollen lip in LA

Keri said...

Thanks, Khaliah!