Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Resist and Flee It Shall

Red is a speed demon on a mission to survive and expand
Red is hungry and can devour only red
Everything is examined and Red is often satisfied
So much potential in the landscape; the raw materials exist for Red to create new reds
Always some insecurity
Some humiliation
Some self-interest
Some greed
Some depression
Some indifference
Some hate
Yet, at times, Red happens upon White
Red abhors White, and is powerless in the face of White
How can Red feed when there is no likeness to cling to? to suck from?
Red flees from the impossible White
and is content with pursuing the much easier targets

Keri S. Smith


Tamii said...

How does red feel about black?

Ok, ok...Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.

Keri said...

Haha. I knew you would say that...

Anonymous said...

Me too. I knew.

Tamii said...

Who wants a cookie?

Keri said...

Red, white or black cookie?