Friday, June 1, 2007

Music, Twins & The Sophisticate

Way back in the days of VHS & VCRs, before reasonably priced Cable or Satellite TV, a family of 5 owned a few videos. (Out-of-scope: The father's library of cricket, football and boxing cassettes and the really long History of the Bible tape). On weekends or holidays, when the 3 children felt 'bored' and/or wanted to have some 'fun', and los padres had not rented any new videos, the kids would watch and re-watch the few in-scope videos.

Mum and Dad were always surprised at how their 3 would never tire of watching the same content. Lines would be recited in sync with characters ("For once I put my foot down in this house. Let! Them! Alone!"*). Jokes were still hilarious during the 30th viewing ("So, you're the one they call peanut [pronounced peaaaaanuhhht] face???"**). Pretending that suspense even existed after the 50th viewing made watching more entertaining (Will Fraulein get caught by the Captain?***). Singing at the top of your lungs was required when you heard your favourite song (...The rain in Spain****... I'm getting married in the morning**** ...I am 16 going on 17***...). The fun was non-stop.

Today, in the time of Cable TV, Satellite TV, DVDs, etc. , those yesteryear videos are still favourites of the 3. Some of the videos have been upgraded to the new! X-year anniversary extended editions - with bonus! deleted scenes & interviews with the original cast. Showings on Cable TV are watched and re-watched - sans loud singing and pretended suspense, but with the occasional line recital and laughter.

If ever you are 'bored' or want a bit of 'fun', the 3 highly recommend that you watch the following videos:

- The Sound of Music

- The Parent Trap*****

- My Fair Lady

Feel free to borrow any of the 3's accompanying actions during your own viewing.


*The twins' grandfather in The Parent Trap. He said these words to his wife who constantly meddled in her daughter's affairs
**The twins' prospective step-grandmother in The Parent Trap. She said these words to one of the twins - Susan
***The Sound of Music
****My Fair Lady
*****Hayley Mills' version tops Lindsay Lohan's - but both are approved by the 3

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I simply remember my fav-ou-rite things and then I don't feel sooo baaaaaaadddddd..