Saturday, September 13, 2008

I am Not a Guinea Pig

I think I am pretty patient
I try to show mercy, so that the same can be shown to me
But every now and then
Every now and then
Someone or Something just makes me want to lose it
Fine, everyone needs to learn
How can we get better if we don't practice?
I get it, and am OK with it
But, when it is late at night, and I am quite unwell
Please, I beg you, please
Do not wake me up to practice
I empathize that you didn't get what the more experienced people saw
I get that you want to see it
To improve, to be the best you can be
But right now, right now
I don't have the patience to be your guinea pig
And after you tried for a long time and weren't successful
I wasn't mad, I was just tired
My head was killing me, I just wanted a break
But did you have to ask the one who was successful for pointers while you were still in hearing distance?
Yes, you want to learn, you want to improve
But it's not just about you
And while I work to be patient, and kind
Can you please at least pretend that I am more than a test case for you to learn?
That you are not just using me to fine-tune your skills?
That you care about my well-being
And I in turn will be more than happy for you to leverage me to enhance your knowledge

Keri S. Smith

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